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  1. Edino merilo vsega je čas /

    The sole criterion is the time

  2. Osrednja tema mojega likovnega snovanja sta v formalnem in vsebinskem smislu človek in njegova minljivost. Svoje delo bi orisal kot nekakšno introspekcijo vsega kar doživljam. Izhajam namreč iz stališča, da se sedanjost opira na preteklost in iz te raste prihodnost. Na takšen način je krog nekako  sklenjen. Ta krog vidim sicer bolj kot spiralo; stvari se ponavljajo vendar vedno na višjem nivoju. Vsaka generacija odkriva svet na novo. Svet se spreminja v tehnološkem smislu, človek pa v bistvu ostaja isti, s svojimi strahovi in vprašanji. Kar se tiče motiva, se je treba samo ozreti okoli sebe v fizičnem in mentalnem smislu. V svojem delu se držim teze, da umetnost govori o človeku v določenem času in ne o času samem, s tem naj se ukvarja zgodovina. Človek je neizčrpen vir inspiracije, ker se iz zgodovine nič ne nauči.

    Svoje dosedanje delo bi lahko razdelil na tri cikluse (Predniki, Palimpsesti, Naprej v preteklost), ki imajo sicer vsak svoj specifičen izraz in likovni pristop, vendar so med seboj povezani; medtem ko sem v prvih dveh ciklusih reševal likovna in vsebinska vprašanja na dvodimenzionalnem nosilcu, sem v tretjem ciklusu vstopil v prostor (skulptoslike, objekti).

    Po več kot tridesetih letih likovnega ustvarjanja se ne ukvarjam več z vprašanjem kako in koliko naslikati, temveč kaj in zakaj. Edino merilo vsega je čas - pojem, ki vse stvari definira in ovrednoti.


    The central theme of my artistic practice is the man and his transience. I would characterize my work as a sort of introspection of everything I am going through. My view presupposes of the present being based on the past from which future emerges. In this way a cycle is somehow concluded. But I see this cycle more like a spiral; things are repeated but always at a higher level. Each generation discovers its new world. The world is changing in the technological sense, but the man essentially remains the same with his fears and questions. As for the motive, we only need to look around in physical and mental terms. In my work I always follow the thesis that art speaks of a man in a certain time, and not of the time itself, which is the case of history. The man is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, since he does not learn anything from the history.

    My work can be divided into three series (The Ancestors, Palimpsests and Forward to the past), which have their specific expression and artistic approach, being at the same time interconnected. In the first two series, I was solving artistic and content questions on a two-dimensional medium, but in the third series, I entered into the space itself (sculpto-paintings and objects).

    After more than thirty years creating art, I am not interested anymore with the issue of how and how much to paint, but what and why. The sole criterion is the time - the notion, which defines and evaluates all the things.